Special offer with son Wout x Paulien (SOLD)

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Special offer with son Wout x Paulien (SOLD)

This week we offer a super cock, a brother of the 3rd and 10th NPO Nanteuil against 5,215 pigeons, last weekend.

This cock was bred out of Wout"Wout" x Paulien"Paulien" which are not only parents of the 3rd and 10th NPO Nanteuil but also of Martin"Martin" winner of :

  • 1. Asse Zellik against 6.244 pigeons.

A unique offer for someone who is looking for reinforcement in his breeding loft.


Call Henk Jurriëns at +31 651 805536 or send an email to h.jurriens@eijerkamp.com

Local agent United States

Oscar DeVries
10744 Cameron rd
K0C 2K0 Winchester, ON - Canada
Tel. 613-989-1526
Mob. 613-290-0783